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Ang Li
姓名 Ang Li 职称职务 Professor
邮箱 Email: liang[at] 办公室 Office: 572
电话 个人主页
其他信息 研究方向岗位职责 Research interests: Neutron star; Quark star; Nuclear astrophysics;  High energy astrophysics related to compact stars, dark matter, gamma-ray bursts and supernova;  Finite nuclei/hypernuclei, and the underlying nucleon interaction and hyperon interaction
教育和工作经历 2016/01 - 2016/04 University of Nevada Las Vegas (USA) - Visiting Scholar
2015/05 - 2015/06 University of Catania (Italy) - Visiting Scholar
2012.03 - 2013/02 RIKEN (Japan) - FPR
2011/03 - 2011/08 Texas A&M University-Commerce (USA) - Visiting Scholar
2007/12 - PRESENT Xiamen University (China) - Assistant, Associate, Full Professor 
2007/06 - 2007/12 INFN-LNS, Catania (Italy) - Visiting Scholar
2002/09 - 2007/06 Lanzhou University (China) - Ph.D in Theoretical Physics
1998/09 - 2002/07 Lanzhou University (China) - Bachelor in National Physical Talents Training Center
科研基金及项目 任教课程 College Physics Undergraduate Course
Atomic Physics Undergraduate Course
Quantum Mechanics Undergraduate Course
Watch Movies, Learn Physics Undergraduate Course
An Introduction to Neutron star and Nuclear Astrophysics Under/Graduate Course
招生方向 荣誉奖励


Department of Astronomy
Xiamen University (Haiyun Campus)
Zengcuo'an West Road,
Xiamen, 361005 China

Research Interests

Neutron star; Quark star; Nuclear astrophysics;

High energy astrophysics related to compact stars, dark matter, gamma-ray bursts and supernova;

Finite nuclei/hypernuclei, and the underlying nucleon interaction and hyperon interaction

My publications from ADS | ResearcherID | ReseachGate (h-index: 21)

                (pics from the web)

Education and Employment

2016/01 - 2016/04 University of Nevada Las Vegas (USA) - Visiting Scholar

2015/05 - 2015/06 University of Catania (Italy) - Visiting Scholar

2012.03 - 2013/02 RIKEN (Japan) - FPR

2011/03 - 2011/08 Texas A&M University-Commerce (USA) - Visiting Scholar

2007/12 - PRESENT Xiamen University (China) - Assistant, Associate, Full Professor 

2007/06 - 2007/12 INFN-LNS, Catania (Italy) - Visiting Scholar

2002/09 - 2007/06 Lanzhou University (China) - Ph.D in Theoretical Physics

1998/09 - 2002/07 Lanzhou University (China) - Bachelor in National Physical Talents Training Center



College Physics Undergraduate Course

Atomic Physics Undergraduate Course

Quantum Mechanics Undergraduate Course

Watch Movies, Learn Physics Undergraduate Course

An Introduction to Neutron star and Nuclear Astrophysics Under/Graduate Course

Please contact me via email if you are interested in joining the group; Welcome!