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Min Du
Associate professor
Email: dumin[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 502
Research interests: The formation and evolution of galaxies, numerical simulations
Taotao Fang
Email: fangt[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 539
Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution; Observational extragalaxtic astronomy; Large scale structure.
Siyi Feng
Email: syfeng[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 319
Research interests: Star and Planet Formation,Astrochemistry,Radio Astronomy
Chong Ge
Associate Professor
Email: chongge[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 314
Research interests: Galaxy cluster; Galaxy evolution; High energy astrophysics
Weimin Gu
Email: guwm[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 611
Research interests: black hole astrophysics
Feng Huang
Email: fenghuang[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 571
Research interests: Dark Matter Detection, Astroparticle Physics, Multi-wavelength Observation
Ang Li
Email: liang[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 572
Research interests: Neutron star; Quark star; Nuclear astrophysics; High energy astrophysics related to compact stars, dark matter, gamma-ray bursts and supernova; Finite nuclei/hypernuclei, and the underlying nucleon interaction and hyperon interaction
Weili Lin
Email: linwl[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 222
Research interests: Supernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts.
Tong Liu
Email: tongliu[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 543
Research interests: Black hole accretion and time-domain astronomy
Shu Luo
Email: luoshu[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 542
Research interests: Neutrino Astrophysics & Neutrino Cosmology, Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillation; Collaborator of JUNO.
Renyi Ma
Email: ryma[at]xmu.edu.cn
Research interests: Black hole accretion disks; Jets; Cosmic rays.
Mouyuan Sun
Email: msun88[at]xmu.edu.cn
Research Interests: Active Galactic Nuclei, Black Hole Accretion
Junfeng Wang
Email: jfwang@xmu.edu.cn
Office: 541
Research interests: Co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies, star formation, multi-wavelength imaging observations.
Jianfeng Wu
Email: wujianfeng[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 564
Research interests: Black hole astrophysics; cosmological evolution of black holes and their host galaxies; high-energy astrophysics; multiwavelength data analysis; large-scale surveys.
Li Xue
Email: lixue[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 684
Research interests: Accretion Disk, Instability, QPO, NDAF Numerical Method, Spectral Method, Computational technique, MPI, GPU
Haoran Yu
Email: haoran[at]xmu.edu.cn
Research interests: Large scale structure of the universe; N-body simulations; Neutrino cosmology; Galaxy angular momentum; High performance computing
Xiaoxia Zhang
assistant professor
Email: zhangxx[at]xmu.edu.cn
Office: 562
Research interests: growth and spin evolution of massive black hole