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Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships in Astronomy, Xiamen University
Job Category:
Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Institution Classification/Type:
Large Academic
Xiamen University, Dept of Astronomy
Job Announcement Text:
The Department of Astronomy at Xiamen University invites applicants for multiple postdoctoral positions within the broad area of high-energy astrophysics, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology and the large-scale structure of the universe, nuclear astrophysics and particle astrophysics, and gravitational wave.
With 17 faculty members, the department is engaged in domestic and international collaborations such as FAST, LAMOST, CSST, JCMT, ALMA, IRAM-30m, NOEMA, VLA, and Subaru-PFS. We are also involved in TMT, HXMT, eXTP, and JUNO collaborations.
Applicants are expected to have completed the degree requirements for a Ph.D. in astronomy or related fields at the time of appointment, with a demonstrated track record of research.
Funding exists for multiple years, and the initial appointment will be for two years, with possible renewal for a third year. The preferred starting date is September 2023 or earlier. The positions offer competitive salaries compared to the local standard. Excellent candidates of all fields are encouraged to apply for the Lu Fellowship, an additional research fund to support their scientific program. For specific requirements of the Lu Fellowship and the benefits, please visit https://astro.xmu.edu.cn/new_en/Opportunities/The_Lu_Fellowship.htm.
Applications must include a curriculum vitae with a list of publications and a research plan, and arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to shaoxy[at]xmu.edu.cn. Please also include a cover letter that names 1 or 2 faculty members you are willing to work with, and indicate if you are interested in applying for the Lu Fellowship. For a complete list of department members and activities, see https://astro.xmu.edu.cn/new_en/People1.htm. Applications received by Jan. 31, 2023, will receive full consideration, although applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.
Related URLs:
Application Deadline:
January 31, 2023
Selection Deadline:
April 30, 2023
Current Status of Position:
Accepting Applicants
Attention To:
Ms. Xingyu Shao
Attention To:
Ms. Xingyu Shao
Inquiry-Postdoctoral Fellowship