PhD SUNY at Stony Brook 1996
BS University of Science & Technology of China 1984
Honors and Awards:
China NSF Distinguished Young Scholar; CAS Hundred Talents;
ASIAADistinguishedPostdoc Fellow (declined); BIMA Postdoc Fellow
Research Experiences:
2019 Dec. - present, Professor, Dept. of Astronomy, Xiamen Univ.
2004 Jan. - present, Sr. Scientist/Professor, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS
2005 Apr. - present, Chief Scientist, Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS
2007 Jan. - present, Adjunct Professor, Peking Univ.
2005 Nov. - 2006 Mar., Visiting Scientist, NRAO
2002 Aug. - 2004 Jan., Senior Research Associate, U. Massachusetts
2001 Dec. - 2002 Aug., Scientist, Spitzer Science Center/IPAC, Caltech
1999 Jun. - 2001 Nov., Postdoc Associate, IPAC/JPL, Caltech
1998 Sep. - 1999 Jun., Postdoc Fellow, University of Toronto
1995 Dec.-1998 Sep., BIMA Fellow, University of Illinois
Publications and Editorial Services:
There are over 200 publications with over 4800 citations (H-index: 33)
Associate Editors: Ap&SS (2007 - now); Sci. China (2007 - 2017)
Editorial Boards: PASJ (2013 - 2018); RAA (2014 - 2019)
Five most important lead-author publications:
1. Gao, Y.,Solomon, P.M. 1999,Molecular gas depletion and starbursts in luminous infrared galaxy mergers, ApJ, 512, L99
2. Gao, Y.,Wang, Q.D., Appleton, P.N., & Lucas, R. 2003,Non-Nuclear Hyper/Ultraluminous X-ray Sources in the Starbursting Cartwheel Ring Galaxy, ApJ,596, L171
3. Gao, Y.,Solomon, P.M. 2004,HCN Survey of Normal Spiral, IR-luminous and Ultraluminous Galaxies, ApJS, 152, 63
4. Gao, Y.,Solomon, P.M. 2004,The Star Formation Rate and Dense Molecular Gas in Galaxies, ApJ, 606, 271
5. Gao, Y.,Carilli, C.L., Solomon, P.M. et al.2007,HCN Observations of Dense Star-forming Gas in High-Redshift Galaxies, ApJ, 660, L93