题目:The hot gas component and X-ray emission around late type galaxies in the semi-analytic model
报 告 人:富坚 研究员
单 位:上海天文台
时 间:2016年04月15日(周五) 10:10
地 点:厦门大学海韵园物理机电航空大楼307
报告摘要:Hot gas in circum-galactic medium is one of the important baryonic components in the universe. Based on the semi-analytic models of galaxy formation (L-Galaxies), we can study the hot gas component and the X-ray emission with the model results. The hot gas in the model is mainly from: (1) accretion from IGM, (2) AGN and SNe feedback. We find the hot gas mass and X-ray luminosity correlate with various properties in spiral galaxies, e.g stellar mass, SFR, circular velocity. The processes of ram pressure stripping and AGN feedback can also affect the correlations. Our model may give some prediction for further X-ray survey.