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Date People Institute Topic
王雪凇 Carnegie Institution of Washington Detecting Rocky Exoplanets with Precise Radial Ve...
张晋 中科院国家天文台 Radiation Properties of the Jets in AGNs: from t...
Fang Min University of Arizona Protoplanetary disk evolution
韩金林 中科院国家天文台 Find more clusters of galaxies to understand the ...
白雪宁 清华大学 Towards Realistic Understandings of Protoplanetar...
Fabrizio Nicastro INAF/CfA Detection, and Foreground Contamination, of the M...
刘桂琳 中国科学技术大学 星系尺度上的恒星形成与类星体反馈
王祥玉 南京大学 高能宇宙线起源的多信使研究
舒新文 安徽师范大学 活动星系核超软X射线辐射及相关黑洞吸积物理
Emanuele Daddi CEA Saclay Quenching star formation in massive galaxies: the...
祖颖 上海交通大学 Galaxy-Halo Connection for Next Generation Galaxy...
郑小平 华中师范大学 中子星的关键科学问题
吴学兵 北京大学 Changing-look Quasars: Discoveries and Challenges
戴昱 中科院国家天文台 The relationship between AGN and star formation i...
郑振亚 中科院上海天文台 Probing Cosmic Reionization with Lyman Alpha Gala...
路如森 中科院上海天文台 Towards Imaging the Event Horizon of Nearby Super...
邵正义 中科院上海天文台 Exploring the Milky Way with stellar clusters in ...
Li Jiang-Tao University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The Hot Circum-Galactic Medium
付建宁 北京师范大学 LAMOST对Kepler天区的光谱观测及LAMOST中分辨率光谱...
Sophia Han Ohio University/UC Berkeley Disentangling dense matter from neutron star obse...
王娜 中科院新疆天文台 新疆奇台110米口径全向可动射电望远镜简介
Tie Liu EAO/JCMT, KASI The TOP-SCOPE survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clum...
Niel Brandt Pennsylvania State University A Good Hard Look at Cosmic Supermassive Black Hol...
Kohei Inayoshi KIAA-PKU Black hole accretion in the present-day and early...