王雪凇 |
Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Detecting Rocky Exoplanets with Precise Radial Ve... |
张晋 |
中科院国家天文台 |
Radiation Properties of the Jets in AGNs: from t... |
Fang Min |
University of Arizona |
Protoplanetary disk evolution |
韩金林 |
Find more clusters of galaxies to understand the ... |
白雪宁 |
清华大学 |
Towards Realistic Understandings of Protoplanetar... |
Fabrizio Nicastro |
Detection, and Foreground Contamination, of the M... |
刘桂琳 |
中国科学技术大学 |
星系尺度上的恒星形成与类星体反馈 |
王祥玉 |
南京大学 |
高能宇宙线起源的多信使研究 |
舒新文 |
安徽师范大学 |
活动星系核超软X射线辐射及相关黑洞吸积物理 |
Emanuele Daddi |
CEA Saclay |
Quenching star formation in massive galaxies: the... |
祖颖 |
上海交通大学 |
Galaxy-Halo Connection for Next Generation Galaxy... |
郑小平 |
华中师范大学 |
中子星的关键科学问题 |
吴学兵 |
北京大学 |
Changing-look Quasars: Discoveries and Challenges |
戴昱 |
中科院国家天文台 |
The relationship between AGN and star formation i... |
郑振亚 |
中科院上海天文台 |
Probing Cosmic Reionization with Lyman Alpha Gala... |
路如森 |
中科院上海天文台 |
Towards Imaging the Event Horizon of Nearby Super... |
邵正义 |
中科院上海天文台 |
Exploring the Milky Way with stellar clusters in ... |
Li Jiang-Tao |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
The Hot Circum-Galactic Medium |
付建宁 |
北京师范大学 |
LAMOST对Kepler天区的光谱观测及LAMOST中分辨率光谱... |
Sophia Han |
Ohio University/UC Berkeley |
Disentangling dense matter from neutron star obse... |
王娜 |
中科院新疆天文台 |
新疆奇台110米口径全向可动射电望远镜简介 |
Tie Liu |
The TOP-SCOPE survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clum... |
Niel Brandt |
Pennsylvania State University |
A Good Hard Look at Cosmic Supermassive Black Hol... |
Kohei Inayoshi |
Black hole accretion in the present-day and early... |