
位置: 首页 > 以往邀请报告 > 2012春季

Date People Institute Topic
黄峰 TBD
孙谋远 TBD
罗阳 TBD
薛力 TBD
靳亚玲 AGN and galaxy formation (workshop in USTC)
刘彤 Nucleosynthesis from neutrino dominated accretion...
马任意 OIR / X-ray Correlation in Black Hole Binaries
林达斌 Jet variability
薛力 TBD
平冲 TBD
Marcel Zemp 教授(北京大学) The Impact of Baryon Physics on the Structure of ...
王挺贵教授(中国科大) 黑洞潮汐撕裂恒星的发射线特征的观测
罗阳 Probing Galactic Feedback With X-Ray Binaries
黄峰 Preliminary analysis on the Radio observation of ...
孙谋远 Fermi Bubble in other wavelength
罗舒 Daya Bay neutrino experiment result and its impli...
林达斌 The cold disk in the state transition
刘彤 A Long-Lasting Impulsive Central Engine Model for...
陈学雷研究员(国家天文台) Tianlai: a 21cm experiment for dark energy observ...
靳亚玲 Have a topic