Title: 恒星级黑洞性质测量的进展和展望
Progress and Future to the Property Measurement of the Stellar-mass Black Holes
Speaker: 苟利军
Institute: 中国科学院 国家天文台
Host: 顾为民
Time: 10:00-12:00, Friday
Location: Physics Building 552
黑洞是宇宙中性质最为简单的一类天体,理论上只需要三个量就可以完整描 述:质量,角动量和电荷。精确测量这些物理量是深入研究黑洞的基石。随着观测技 术和计算能力的进步,目前对于这些性质可以做出精确的测量。报告人将以天鹅座X- 1的质量和自旋测量为例,展示相关的研究成果。而黑洞自旋作为一个更为重要的本 征参数,报告人将着重介绍在过去几年所取得的成果。最后对相关的测量做了一些展望。
Black holes are the simplest objects in the universe, which can be described in theory only by three physical quantities: mass, spin and electric charge (usually negligible). Precise measurement of these physical quantities is the cornerstone of in-depth study of black holes. With the progress of observational technology and computing power, these properties can be measured precisely at present for some sources. I will take the mass and spin measurements of Cygnus X-1 as an example to show the relevant research efforts. The black hole spin is a more important intrinsic parameter, and the reporter will focus on the different approaches to the spin measurement as well as the achievements made in the past few years. Finally, some prospects are made for the related measurements.
1998年获南京大学天文系学士学位,2001获得南京大学硕士学位,2007 获得美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学博士,之后于哈佛大学哈佛史密森天体物理中心任博 士后和研究人员。2012年起任中国科学院国家天文台研究员,同时兼任中国科学院大 学岗位教授。2019年起兼任《中国国家天文》杂志执行总编。为《物理》和《The innovation》杂志编委。主要研究兴趣为高能天体物理,包括黑洞和引力波等,发表 SCI论文40余篇,引用2500余次。联合对人类历史上的第一个黑洞系统天鹅座X1的质 量和转动做了精确测量,被确认为是目前已知X射线双星中最重和转动最快的恒星级 黑洞,结果发表在美国2021年2月的《科学》(Science)杂志上。
Prof. Lijun Gou received his bachelor's degree in astronomy from Nanjing University in 1998, master's degree from Nanjing University in 2001 and PhD from Pennsylvania State University in 2007, and then worked as a postdoctoral and research scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics Center at Harvard University. Since 2012, he has been a research professor at the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) and also works as the adjunct professor at the University of the Chinese Academies. He has been the executive editor of China National Astronomical magazine since 2019, and works as editorial board for two magazines, Physics, and The innovation.
His main research interest is high-energy astrophysics, including black holes and gravitational waves, and so on. He has published more than 40 SCI papers with a total citation of over 2500 times. In 2021, collaborating with international team, he has accurately measured the mass and spin parameter of Cygnus X1, the first black hole system in human history, and it has been confirmed to be the heaviest and fastest rotating black hole in X-ray binaries. The results were published in the February 2021 issue of the journal of Science.