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Dark Matter, Stray Stars, and Cool Clouds around Massive Quiescent Galaxies
主讲人 祖颖 主持人 于浩然 / YU Haoran
时间 2021-04-29 14:30:00 报告题目 Dark Matter, Stray Stars, and Cool Clouds around Massive Quiescent Galaxies
首作者 People
职称 联系电话
邮箱 研究方向
主讲人简介 主讲人简介 地点 厦门大学海韵园物理机电大楼552
办公室 研究院 上海交通大学 天文系

Title: Dark Matter, Stray Stars, and Cool Clouds around Massive Quiescent Galaxies

Speaker: 祖颖

Institute: Department of Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Host: Yu Gao

Time: 14:30-16:30, Thursday

Location: Physics Building 552


As the most targeted objects in cosmological surveys, massive quiescent galaxies

may look deceptively simple --- Without ongoing star formation, they are

red-and-dead early-type systems, and among them some of the brightest cluster

galaxies~(BCGs), living in the inner regions of massive dark matter halos.  The

hierarchical structure formation in the LCDM Universe sets the mean

stellar-to-halo mass relation for those galaxies, but several key issues remain

unresolved: 1) What drives the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation at

the massive end? 2) Where is the physical boundary between the BCGs and their

surrounding intracluster light~(ICL), i.e., the diffuse stellar component

consisting of stray stars? 3) Why do the massive quiescent galaxies not

rejuvenate star formation despite the apparent abundance of cool gas in their

circumgalactic media? In this talk, I will present a series of recent

investigations into the above issues using a combination of weak gravitational

lensing, stacked photometry, and redshift-space distortion analyses of the

massive galaxies observed by the SDSS, in hopes of paving the path for a better

understanding of the assembly of massive galaxies in the era of DESI, PFS, and



Ying obtained his PhD from the Ohio State University, followed by a postdoc

fellowship at the McWilliams Cosmology Center of Carnegie Mellon University and

a CCAPP fellowship back in Ohio State, before arriving at Shanghai Jiao Tong

University as a faculty member. Ying primarily works on galaxy and structure

formation, cluster cosmology, and AGN reverberation mapping, with a particular

focus on the interface between survey observations and theoretical modelling.

Ying is currently leading the cluster science effort in the China Space Station

Telescope (CSST) and the DESI effort within SJTU.




