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FAST HI Observations of Stephan's Quintet
主讲人 徐聪 主持人
时间 2024-03-07 14:30:00 报告题目
首作者 People
职称 联系电话
邮箱 congxu@nao.cas.cn 研究方向
主讲人简介 地点
办公室 研究院 国家天文台

Title: FAST HI Observations of Stephan's Quintet

Speaker: 徐聪

Institute:  中国科学院国家天文台

Host: 方陶陶

Time: 2024.3.7 周四 14:30

Location: 物理楼 552


Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), we carried out deep mapping observations of the HI emission associated with the famous galaxy group Stephan's Quintet. The observations cover a sky area of about 30' x 30' (0.75 x 0.75 Mpc for distance = 85 Mpc) with Nyquist samplings.  When smoothed to an angular resolution of 4', the column density sensitivity of the observations reaches 1-sigma = 4.2E16/cm^2 per channel (channel-width = 20 km/s). The discoveries from these observations will be presented.

