Title: Performing a tomographic scan of the universe with neutral hydrogen
Speaker: 张佳骏
Institute: 上海天文台
Host: 马任意
Time: 2024.6.27 周四 14:30
Location: 物理楼 552
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. From the dark age to cosmic dawn, from reionization to galaxy forming, hydrogen atoms witnessed all the evolution of the universe from CMB to now. In the talk, you will hear how we can use radio telescope to observe the 21cm line from neutral hydrogen atoms and study the evolution of the universe.
Jiajun Zhang is an associate researcher at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. He got his PhD degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017, later he works as a postdoc in Shanghai Jiao Tong University until 2019, and another postdoc in the Institute for Basic Science until 2021. He joined Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in 2021. His major research interests are cosmology, large-scale structure and 21cm astronomy. He has published more than 40 papers in major journals such as ApJ, MNRAS, PRD, etc. He works for Hongmeng, SKA and BINGO projects. He is a stage leader for BINGO international collaboration for detecting 21cm intensity mapping signal.