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Exploring Changing-Look AGNs with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
主讲人 郭威坚 主持人
时间 2024-05-23 16:00:00 报告题目
首作者 People
职称 联系电话
邮箱 guowj@bao.ac.cn 研究方向
主讲人简介 地点
办公室 研究院 国家天文台

Title: Exploring Changing-Look AGNs with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

Speaker: 郭威坚

Institute: 国家天文台

Host: 张志翔

Time: 2024.5.23 周四 16:00

Location: 物理楼 552


AGNs undergoing Changing-Look (CL) phases present formidable challenges to both the traditional accretion disk model and the orientation-based AGN unified model. The limited sample discovered by SDSS spectra has hindered previous efforts in systematically studying their properties and underlying physical mechanisms. However, the advent of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), providing millions of quasar spectra, holds the promise of unveiling these mysteries. I will delve into our recent research efforts focused on investigating CL-AGNs using data from DESI DR1.  Additionally, I will elucidate the operation and data model of DESI, aiming to facilitate the utilization of these spectra.


Wei-Jian Guo is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the NAOC and a member of the DESI collaboration, where he works within the Galaxy and Quasar Physics Group. His primary research interests include  reverberation mapping, AGN variability and accretion physics.