Title: Unveiling the Complexities of Star Formation: Insights from Multiscale Radiation-MHD Simulations and Future Prospects
Speaker: 何崇崇
Institute: 澳大利亚国立大学
Host: 冯思轶
Time: 2024.6.13 周四 16:00
Location: 物理楼 552
Star formation is a crucial process in astrophysics, driving the formation and evolution of galaxies, synthesizing elements, and facilitating the formation of planets and life. Large-scale numerical simulations on numerous parallel CPU cores have been essential in predicting and explaining astronomical observations, significantly advancing our understanding of this intricate process. In this talk, I will introduce my previous research on investigating the physics of star formation via radiation magneto-hydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations. I highlight the significant role of photoionization feedback in dictating the timescale and efficiency of star formation, and explore the effect of magnetic fields in star formation. Then, I will move on and introduce my ongoing work on developing the next-generation, GPU-accelerated AMR RMHD code named Quokka. This innovative tool is set to unravel the laws of galactic-scale star formation and the mysteries of galactic winds.
Chong-Chong He obtained his bachelor's degree in theoretical physics from Jilin University in 2016. He then moved to the United States and earned his PhD in Astronomy from the University of Maryland, College Park. His thesis focused on understanding the laws of star formation through large-scale numerical simulations. During his PhD, Chong-Chong worked as a Future Investigator in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST). After graduation in 2023, he joined the Australian National University as a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate with Mark Krumholz. Currently, he is focusing on developing next-generation radiation-megneto-hydrodynamics code that fully utilizes the power of GPUs on the largest supercomputers in the world. For more information, please visit his academic webpage: https://chongchonghe.github.io/
何崇崇,2016年毕业于吉林大学物理学院理论物理专业,随后前往美国马里兰大学攻读博士学位,专注于理论和计算天体物理方向的研究。博士期间,他担任了NASA地球与空间科学与技术未来研究员(FINESST)。何崇崇现为澳大利亚国立大学天文与天体物理研究院的博士后学者,与国际著名学者 Mark Krumholz 合作,致力于开发下一代的基于GPU的辐射磁流体力学(RMHD)程序。请访问他的学术主页以获取更多信息:https://chongchonghe.github.io/
C.-C. He, B. D. Wibking, and M. R. Krumholz, “An Asymptotically-Correct Implicit-Explicit Time Integration Scheme for Finite Volume Radiation-Hydrodynamics”, MNRAS (2024) stae1244.
C.-C. He and M. Ricotti, “Massive Prestellar Cores in Radiation-magneto-turbulent Simulations of Molecular Clouds”, MNRAS 522, 5374–5392 (2023).
C.-C. He, M. Ricotti, and S. Geen, “Simulating star clusters across cosmic time - i. initial mass function, star formation rates, and efficiencies”, MNRAS 489, 1880–1898 (2019)