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Galactic Microlensing: extrasolar planets and stellar-mass black holes
主讲人 毛淑德 主持人
时间 2019-11-29 22:08:10 报告题目
首作者 People
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办公室 研究院 清华大学天文学系

Title: Galactic Microlensing: extrasolar planets and stellar-mass black holes

Speaker: 毛淑德 教授,清华大学天文学系

Host: 王俊峰/武剑锋

Time: 14:30-16:30, Friday, Nov 29, 2019

Location: Haiyun 504


I will review the current status of gravitational microlensing in the Milky Way, highlight some recent discoveries of extrasolar planets, and then discuss the field's future prospects, including the detection of stellar-mass black holes with interferometers and the next-generation Thirty Meter class telescopes.

Shude Mao, Professor of Astrophysics, and Chair of the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University. His main research interests are on searching for extrasolar planets with gravitational microlensing, gravitational lensing and galactic dynamics.