Title: Discovery of New Astronomical Phenomenon With the Aritifical Intelligence and the Digital Twin
Speaker: Peng Jia
Institute: Taiyuan University of Technology
Host: Siyi Feng
Time: 14:30-16:30, Thursday, May, 18
Location: Physics Building 552
Abstract: With the advent of future sky survey projects, a vast amount of astronomical data will be generated, leading to a potential influx of new discoveries with appropriate techniques. During this talk, I will present the recent advances made by our group in developing a framework for the discovery of new astronomical phenomena based on digital twin of telescopes and artificial intelligence. Two applications of this framework will be discussed, which include detecting strong lensing through multi-color optical observation data, and identifying celestial objects using data obtained by X-Ray Lobster Eye Telescopes.
Bio: 贾鹏,山西太原人,2013年博士毕业于南京大学天文系,太原理工大学电光工程学院研究员,智能光学成像实验室负责人。主要从事天文技术与方法领域的基础研究和应用工作,与包括ELT、LOT、CSST、SKA、EP、GWAC及司天等国内外天文团队合作,开展了一系列仿真和数据处理方面的研究。研究为科学工程性能分析、设备校准、数据处理和分析提供新型算法,助力AI+Science等新科学范式的发展。当前在APJS、APJL、MNRAS、AJ、NeurIPS和OE等天文、光学和计算机领域主流期刊及会议上发表学术论文60余篇,授权发明专利15项,主持国家自然科学基金3项,以第一完成人获得省科技进步二等奖1次。获首批山西省“三晋英才“、国家天文科学数据中心青年数据科学家等称号。