Title: HI deep surveys with FAST
Speaker: 王杰
Institute: 中国科学院国家天文台
Time: 2024.3.28 周四 14:30
Location: 物理楼 552
In this talk, I will firstly introduce HIFAST, an HI data calibration and imaging pipeline for FAST, and present some results on the HI data quality observed with the FAST. Finally, some preliminary results from the deep survey in the M31 halo region will be shared.
Professor in the NAOC and UCAS. In 2008, Graduated from Max-Planck institute for astrophysics, Germany, and then worked at Durham University in the UK as a Newton International fellow. In 2012, was selected by the thousand youth talents plan to work at NAOC. The research fields mainly cover the formation and evolution of the structure of the universe using numerical simulation,radio telescopes, AI methods.